> Wordpress site help.?

Wordpress site help.?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Here's what I would've posted until I realized it's waaaaay simpler.

1. Create a child theme from your current one: http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes

2. find the file "header.php" in your theme's folder, and copy it to your child theme's folder

3. edit it: insert the image above the menu part (line 42)

Instead, go to Appearance -> Customize in the Dashboad, then click on "header image" and select the file.

So I just set up my official domain with GoDaddy and wordpress hosting. I think my website looks pretty good, but, I need a header that goes above my menu. Whenever i place a header it stays to the right of the menu so its not really a header. Here is my Website so far WITHOUT HEADER. The logo is just featured image. www.AxeonElite.com