> I need help with this Java Programming Lab. I am so lost.?

I need help with this Java Programming Lab. I am so lost.?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
This is the lab: http://branko-cirovic.appspot.com/CP1340/Labs/Lab3.html If anyone can help that would be great because I am totally lost! Thank you.

Can you do it without using a class (except that all Java programs are inside a class)?

Can you write a main program that has an array that you initialize to zeros, then set a few elements to 1 and then print out the indexes of the elements that are set to 1?

If you can do this simpler assignment, show us, or show us your best attempt.

This is the lab: http://branko-cirovic.appspot.com/CP1340/Labs/Lab3.html If anyone can help that would be great because I am totally lost! Thank you.