> I am looking into building my own pc but I have no knowledge of building one.?

I am looking into building my own pc but I have no knowledge of building one.?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
You have no knowledge at all? About components? compatibility?

If the answers no.. I'd ask him personally.

But then on the other hand you can learn this stuff online..


There will be alot to learn and it will take alot of effort and time.

Hope it helps :)

You'll feel a lot better about yourself if you build it yourself. Honestly, it's not that hard to follow tutorials on how to do it. Good luck :)

I would be terribly unwise to go and talk to him.

Its not hard to do it yourself. It may seem intimidating at first, but there is only one way to learn. And when you struggle to do it yourself, this is when you truly retain the info you have come across. Do it yourself.

Dont talk to this guy.

I am looking into building my own pc but I have no knowledge of building one. My mum's ex boyfriend runs his own computer shop and had done a lot for me on my current laptop. He knows a lot about computers and building them but because he left my mum to go back to his ex I feel it may not be right to ask him to build it or help me build it. should I go and ask him or should I follow some guides on youtube on how to build a pc? Thanks