> I want to enter code?

I want to enter code?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
If you want to enter programming, you have to choose what for. Would you like to create software? Make websites? Create a game? Second of all, you need to take courses. I highly suggest www.codecademy.com, the main courses on there should get you started up. For Web Development: There's courses on HTML, CSS (the main languages for webpages). For game development, start off by learning an actual programming language, choose between Ruby or Python (for stand-alone games), or JavaScript, for Web games. Ruby and Python are great for creating applications as well if you want something simple. Keep in mind, these are just courses to get you started: for more complicated stuff, games and applications alike, you can learn Java or C#/C++; they are a lot more complicated than Ruby or Python, but they can accomplish more. Go to other websites, follow tutorials, watch guides on the language you want to use to master that language and create something of your own!

Where do you want to enter code?

You should get code's permission.

Yes you may.

You need to be more specific