> Best way I can learn Photoshop ?

Best way I can learn Photoshop ?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
"...but I am really bored to learn"

This usually translates to, "I am too lazy to do the work."

or you are not really that interested.

In either case, there is no short-cut to learning. You have to dive in and do it.

You cannot instantly upload knowledge into your brain and suddenly become adept at something.

The brain doesn't work like that. You have to train it with exercise and repetition.

Start from the beginning, do the exercises, explore the program.

Think of interesting things you would like to do and figure out how to do them.

It takes lots of time and work. If you are not willing to spend the time and effort,

you will ultimately become frustrated and disappointed.

Best way is to learn is to get to know the tools of Photoshop first. After that try out the tutorials or exercises of the tutors. At the end, do practice and experiment with your skills in order to become excel in it.

Different people in a different way. Some might prefer books, some might prefer videos or some might read the online resources.

If you have a real reason to learn photoshop then stop thinking about it, just open it and start working with it. if you need help, you can watch tutorial videos on youtube.

Always be patient. Your will to achieve your goal will guide you.

Just install the photoshop software just try with help of any picture and designing this is the way you can learn photoshop easily

Best way is just watch basic tutorial videos and then try the software yourself. After you get familiar with software you can watch advanced tutorials video but not all at once. Take it one by one. Understand all the tools first.

You probably need to do some work before you learn, I would say just start with the basics then you should start watching other's people's work to get inspiration, for some creative artwork I would suggest to go ahead and click the link I will post in the source box.

Book is one of the option to learn any software. But apart from that you can learn any software from mentioned below websites....Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Slideshare


I have download more than 1 GB tutorials of learning Photoshop but I am really bored to learn.

how can I learn it ? shall I just install it and use it by myself each day till I learn by myself or what ?