> Is it possible to do this in Python?

Is it possible to do this in Python?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
The program consists of text. You can save text to a file using Notepad or any other text editor. This is independent of Python. You could choose to use the text editor that is a part of IDLE, which usually comes with Python. The name of the file will usually use a .py extension.

You would probably want to prompt the user for the cost of the meal using:

meal = float (input ("Enter cost of meal: "))

Have you downloaded and installed Python. If you haven't done that, you will have to do that.

Here are additional Python resources:





I'm a beginner programmer, just started learning Python at codeacademy.org...

I did an exercise where I calculated the total cost of a meal, like this.

meal = 20.00

tip = 2.50

tax = 0.07

meal = meal + meal * tax

meal = meal + tip



Is there a way I can save this into a file that you run, and enter your own value for meal so that it would automatically calculate the total based on the cost of your meal?