> Is programming important for Mechanical engineer ? like JAVA, C++, HTML, javascript, and other programming languages ?

Is programming important for Mechanical engineer ? like JAVA, C++, HTML, javascript, and other programming languages ?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Some programming is a Real Good Idea since many computations can't be done analytically. There are software packages to handle common situations, but do you really want your designs limited by what's available off-the-shelf?

The classic engineering language used to be FORTRAN, and there's still quite a lot of source code around in dialects to Fortran 77 and perhaps even FORTRAN IV.

These days, you may have more use for programmable systems like Mathematica, Maple or MathCAD.

C and C++ have replaced a lot of what FORTRAN use to be universal at: highly optimized code generation for very large computations.

HTML, Javascript, not so much except maybe to post results online.

Likewise, Java and C# are general-purpose languages, but don't shine at bulk computations.

Neither does Python, but the odd thing about that language is that it is so darned easy to get a computation done that for moderate sized computations it might get the answer quicker just because the code was was working sooner.