> Looking to make an open world RPG and I need a good, free, program that would be able to handle it.?

Looking to make an open world RPG and I need a good, free, program that would be able to handle it.?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
I assume you are talking about a 3 dimensional game but I agree with Supremacye, AGF is a pretty good one. You can accomplish this with the majority of the 3d game engines out there like: UDK, Unity 3d, Cry dev kit. those 3 all have large communities and a vast collection of tutorials all over the web based on them. there is another one that I think is based off of the GTA series called the Grit Engine mainly for open world style games. I'm actually working on one myself and haven't settled on a specific engine just yet.

Axis Game Factory is good. They have tutorials.

Skyrim uses the Creation Engine which, I believe, is included with Skyrim. It should be in your Steam Tools section as Creation Kit.

You're going to be hard pressed to find exactly what you are looking for because I am not aware of any engine being that complete for any specific game type however you could likely find plenty of free resources on the web. You also want to ask yourself if this is feasible. If you are going at it alone and attempting to tackle something that took a team millions of dollars and 2 years to do... you're not going to succeed. I am sorry, but that is just the truth of it. You need to work within your means even if that isn't your dream or you won't accomplish anything.

With that being said I am really enjoying the Unreal Engine and it may appeal to you. Unreal Engine 4 comes with the engine itself and source code for $19 a month however you ONLY lose updates if you stop paying. You can still use the files you have and the version of the software you have and still release that game. If you make over $3000 per calendar quarter then you pay them 5% of the gross profit you make in that quarter. So you could get away with making $12,000 a year and only pay Epic a one time $19 fee. You are always locked into that 5% royalty agreement even if you aren't a current subscriber, though.

In most instances this won't be a big deal but say you make $1,000,000 gross off the game... you're paying $50,000 for the engine. If you went with Unity it would be significantly less for the engine but significantly more risk if you don't succeed. Unity Pro just costs more up front.

Unreal Engine 4 is actually really nice and not just set up for shooters anymore. There is a visual scripting aspect of it that doesn't require any real coding knowledge and C++ out of the box. You can also add Lua to it and other languages are in the works. It can literally be as hard or as easy as you want it to be.

I really think that, for your purpose, you may want to check it out. Keep in mind it is NOT an easy program to learn. It is a professional game engine that can be used for Flappy Bird clones to AAA titles and you WILL notice that going into it. It is relatively easy to figure out once you dig through it and there are plenty of free resources available for it like tutorials and videos and an extremely helpful community and dev team.

Just beware if you do get into it and start building your game with it... practice some restraint. It can end up producing a game that cripples 90% of the computers out there easily.