> Need Help With Command Line Scripting Class-Using WIndows Powershell?

Need Help With Command Line Scripting Class-Using WIndows Powershell?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
1. What cmdlet would you use to display the contents of the current directory?

2. How would you modify the above cmdlet to show not only the contents of the current directory but also all its subdirectories?

3. How would you display the content of the file mydata.txt?

4. How would you display the fifth line in the above file?

5. How would you set the system so any Powershell script can be executed?

6. How would you split the string contained in the variable $p into an array of words?

7. How would you set up an array names $Students containing the names “Bob”, “Bill”, “Matha” and “Betty”?

8. How would you delete Bill from the above array?

9. Write a command to check the value of $Score and if it is greater than 90 set the variable $Grade to an “A” otherwise set it to a “B”.

10. Write a command to display the Description of all processes where the Company is Microsoft.

11. Write the commands necessary to start a copy of Internet Explorer, make it visible, and set website displayed to Yahoo.com.

12. What are the two parts of a cmdlet?

13. What are the two main components of an object?

14. How would you display the static members of the class [Double]?

15. Write the instructions to ping the location www.nwacc.edu from powershell.

16. What are the two disks in the Registry provider?

17. What is a provider?

18. What would you use as the pattern to match any string which starts with A and has exactly four characters?