> Pseudocode help!?

Pseudocode help!?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
I need to make a pseudocode for a program that will test for the independence of two variables. (Chi square test) I was able to make the part where I'll get the chi square value butI am lost when it comes to reading the table of critical values like this (http://lh3.ggpht.com/-pG3zkEleOyY/Tjvkr9gkrLI/AAAAAAAAA74/BtdX0Jyq_98/image_thumb3.png?imgmax=800). I can compute for the location of the value with [(#ofrows-1)*(#ofcol-1), alpha]. I do not know how to read the table and find the value of the computeddimension. I hope you can help me. Thanks.