> Using C++ Design a class named pet, which should have the following fields: * name. The name field holds the name of a p

Using C++ Design a class named pet, which should have the following fields: * name. The name field holds the name of a p

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
I think you should learn to do this yourself so you can further develop yourself in this field.

Soooo.... What's your question?

* animal. The animal field holds the type of animal that a pet is. Example values are "Dog","Cat",and "Brid".

* age. The age field holds the pet's age.

The pet class should also have the following methods:

* setName. The setName method stores a value in the field.

* setAnimal. The setAnimal method stores a value in the animal field.

* setAge. The setAge method stores value in the age field.

* getName. The getName method returns the value of the name field.

* getAnimal. The getAnimal method returns the value of the animal field.

* getAge. The getAge method returns the value of the age field.