> Why won't my program show any output?

Why won't my program show any output?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Could you compile the source code?

Closing curly bracket '}' is missing.

can someone please help me, i am just learning to program java in college and this is what i have to do but whenever i hit run there is no output can someone tell me what i am doing wrong.ok this is what i have in netbeans:

public class Furniture {


* @param args the command line arguments


public static void main(String[] args) {

String itemName = "Recliner";

double retailPrice = 925.00;

double wholesalePrice = 700.00;

double salePrice;

double profit;

double saleProfit;

profit = 925.00 - 700.00;

salePrice = 925 - (.20*925);

saleProfit = (925 - (.20*925))- 700.00;

System.out.println("Item Name: " + itemName);

System.out.println("Retail Price: $" + retailPrice);

System.out.println("Wholesale Price: $" + wholesalePrice);

System.out.println("Profit: $" + profit);

System.out.println("Sale Price: $" + salePrice);

System.out.println("Sale Profit: $" + saleProfit);



// TODO code application logic here
