> Outlook for Mac database rebuild fails many attempts. Please help?

Outlook for Mac database rebuild fails many attempts. Please help?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Hi Larry,

Microsoft Outlook 2011 for Mac stores your emails in Microsoft User Data folder in your Documents in Mac. The email database stored in individual files and is indexed by spotlight into olk14messages files. If there is a corruption in outlook database, outlook will not be able to export emails without repairing or rebuilding database. In your case, as outlook is unable to rebuild the database as well, the recovery needs to be performed directly from outlook database folder. This is a complex task as outlook stores each email after splitting into multiple files and in different folders. I researched over this and found that the only utility capable of recovering emails from corrupt email database is Outlook Mac Database Recovery. You may check it out: www.outlookmacdatabaserecovery.com

Hope this helps.



Hello Ethan, Thank you for this elaborated answer, i ever knew that all these facts and techniques are involved in such a simple email client. Outlook Mac Database recovery was helpfull and I recovered all my emails safely without loosing any data.


I am trying to export outlook for mac database file but it seems my database file if somehow corrupted as every time I try to export, it asks to rebuild the database using the databse utilty but this also doesnot seem to work (Find the clip below). I need to export all the files from Outlook 2011 for mac to outlook 2010 for windows.

Please help