> What kind of mathematics are required for programming?

What kind of mathematics are required for programming?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
I think mental mathematics will be better to increase efficiency.

You mainly need LOGIC instead of much knowledge in math,

Hope this help

You don't need hardcore math for programming (unless you want to create the next Frostbite Engine), BUT:

Since both require logical and abstract thinking, most people are either good at both or bad at both.

That's why your math skills are a good indicator for your coding aptitude.

In my college if your course is BS Computer Science (I am too), then you get to have subjects like Calculus 1 and Calculus 2 plus the Discrete Mathematics (*shivers at that traumatic subject*) but it doesn't mean that the math will always have to be complex and used in programming.

Not all applications you program has to be all about computing unless you plan to make a calculator application. The complex thing about programming is the syntax and how to make your codes work like how you want it to. The math part will be really needed if the application requires you to use it to make the codes work.

Sometimes, it would take small researching in the internet to refresh your mind about the simple formulas like the formula for Kelvin. Well that is if you plan to make an android app that computes for temperature. There's the math part.

It is also possible to make an android application without using math unless you plan to make a complex app that will again require using of math to implement that certain function.

What kind of math and how much math you need depends on what your app does. If your app loads pictures from around the world, you probably need simple math, but if your app finds the limits under a curve, or the derivative of it, you'll need some calculus. Overall with simple programs that I do (mostly with visual basic) I dont use too complicated math, but just so you know, if you study programming in school as your major, a lot of math is VERY close behind it.

It really depends on what your doing. If your writing a frequency distribution calculator, then you will be using mathematics. If your writing a physics engine for a game, then you will be using mathematics. But, it's highly unlikely that you'd be writing a physics engine, since they already exist. If I'm creating a website, like Youtube, there's very little mathematics needed.

At the very least, you should know how to deal with boolean logic and mathematics ranging from simple arithmetic to algebra. By logic, I mean the logic operators, not proofs. Nonetheless, your algebra skills should be very strong. It's very helpful to have mathematical maturity as some of the algorithms you may come across later aren't so intuitive, but it's more important that you know their properties and when to use them rather than knowing how to code them.

If you want to secure your programming application with the latest and greatest cryptography technologies, then you simply utilise what's already been done for you (through class libraries). You won't have to write the actual RSA algorithm yourself.

i dont remember any math in current programing languages but im not a major in programing. you will need math to try and create your own language though.