> Can i learn programming in 3 years if i do it 3-4 hours a day ?

Can i learn programming in 3 years if i do it 3-4 hours a day ?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
I am 19...people start learning coding at 13 or 14.....

Can i learn to code equivalent to them in 3 years....voz after 22...i would like to meet my career interests

It'll take you roughly 2-3 months to fully grasp the basic concepts of programming, followed by another 10 years of constantly challenging yourself with new projects to gain expertise in said language.

This was an interesting read: http://norvig.com/21-days.html

You COULD catch up to them, it depends on who you are really. Fast-learner, logical thinker, patience, good independent/collaborative worker are all good qualities in a programmer, which if you have, will give you the edge.

Are you taking computer science courses? A good career in this field will usually require some level of Education past High-School.

At the end of 3rd year, you become excel in programming.

It hardly takes less than two months to grasp fully the basic concepts of a programming language. If you start now then I suggest you to try Python as your first programming language. It is quite easy to learn and can give you knowledge about the programming concepts.

Python online learning resources :




Just learn python until you fully able to the understand the concepts of programming after that you can switch to other programming which might you prefer. C++ would be a good start after Python if you want to dive deeper into programming.

No, it will take a week longer than 3 years, so you should give up on that idea.

Seriously, just do it. One year here, one year there is not going to make any difference.

A career is going to require constant education and improvement anyway, so you will never really reach the brass ring.


see my answer here


I am 19...people start learning coding at 13 or 14.....

Can i learn to code equivalent to them in 3 years....voz after 22...i would like to meet my career interests