> How do I change my .tk domain to show the page names in the URL?

How do I change my .tk domain to show the page names in the URL?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
It wont let you hey brand their domains I fell for it to. I still use .tk cause there my favorite free domain service short and easy

Your hosting company is publishing your site via an iframe. This means that the main domain page is an invisible empty shell and your site opens in an inner page frame (iframe). If you wish to change this you will need to speak to your hosting company.

You would be better off leaving .tk alone. Many a load of malware & spam has come from them

i wish i stopped alkohol i d do it. dude sorry.

I'm using Moonfruit to build my website and I'm using the dot.tk domain for my website. My website name is say, "websitename.tk"

When I go to other pages on my site, the website still says "websitename.tk" and doesn't have the "websitename.tk/pagename".

But I visited another .tk hosted website and clicked on one of their pages it says "theirwebsitename.tk/theirpagename"

How am I able to do that? Can somebody help me?