> Background images won't show up on webpage? CSS/HTML?

Background images won't show up on webpage? CSS/HTML?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
I'm 100% new to coding so bear with me. I'm supposed to create four divs, all of which are to have different characteristics.. so when I add a background image to the CSS it will show up in the live view just fine, but once I type in the link to the webpage none of the images are there. I'm not exactly sure how much information you guys need to help, but I'm using WinSCP / mercury, which has all my folders on it, but I always transfer whatever I'm working on to the desktop, so I'm not sure if it's a problem with where my images are saved or not. All the images are saved on the desktop and in an images folder on the mercury side of winSCP.

It could be the coding, but with CSS it usually auto-fills and I use the browse button that pops up to link it to the image which I take from the desktop.

Sorry if this is confusing, but thanks to anybody that tries to help!