> I am planning to build a website,That allows user to upload files.Also they need to provide their informations like name

I am planning to build a website,That allows user to upload files.Also they need to provide their informations like name

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
You will need to learn html, php and the mysql database. you need to store the user and site security information in the database. You use php to manipulate the data and read it back to build appropriate html according to users and their requests. You must never let anyone get an account without verifying their email address at least, and you need to seriously study the dangers of allowing user data entry on the site. Otherwise a small piece of logic code entered in the user name or password field can allow a hacker full control on your site, imcludign the database admin user account with NO password. Same applies to ALL data entered, and you should NEVER store text files as that could allow them critical site details to aid hacking. All the notes need to be stored in the database. Do not allow posting of any files unless you first check their file extension for suitable types, and even then check their mime types for possible malicious code. Otherwise your site will be owned by hackers withon a week and they will be running their own illegal activities from it in the background. That can include bank phishing scams and child porn.

Try ultimatewb. It has built-in social networking apps that you can use and customize how you want.

I want the files to be uploaded to a dropbox public folder.

Each files must be placed under a folder for that date and the details should be placed in a text file and placed in the same folder.I am new to developement. Can someone help me with this.

I am completely new.. Can someone help me with this or suggest me some pre exsting code that does this.