> What program can i use to make games in?

What program can i use to make games in?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
I prefer Unreal Engine. You can use blueprints for a visual programming experience or Lua or C++ or really any other scripting language if you are willing to make it work. It can be as easy or as hard as you want it to be.

It is also $19 for full source and the engine. For $19 a month after that you get continued updates but if you only pay $19 then immediately cancel the sub you still get to keep and use the engine you have. Much cheaper for a full featured engine when compared to unity. If you make a lot of money it does cost more though. After $3000 per quarter you have to pay 5% of your gross for the engine.

My choice is Unity. Powerful 3D gaming development tool for Windows and Mac. Enjoy!

So im looking to create a full game, just do it on my spare time, which i have a lot of; basically what i'm looking for is something i can create an entire world. something simple like minecraft.